Your oral health is an essential piece of your overall health. Poor dental hygiene is linked to advanced medical conditions like heart disease, gum disease, bone loss, and stroke. While it’s the season of fresh starts and new beginnings, we thought it was appropriate to encourage you to add going to the dentist to your list of New Year’s resolutions. So, today on the blog, our general dentists in Scotts Valley at Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry share nine reasons why going to the dentist should be on your resolutions list.
Oral Cancer Screen
Oral cancer can develop in anyone, not just smokers and heavy drinkers. According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, one person dies every hour of every day in the United States due to oral cancer. Fortunately, oral cancer is curable when you receive an early diagnosis, which is why oral cancer screenings are available at our family dentist office in Scotts Valley.
Gum Disease Prevention
Gum disease is an infection of the gum tissue surrounding your teeth and is a leading cause of tooth loss in adults. Our experienced Scotts Valley dentists explain that gum disease is often the result of neglecting your oral health, but the damage is reversible with early diagnosis and treatment. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing once daily, and visiting the dentist every six months for checkups and cleanings. Even dentists have to get their teeth cleaned!
Help Maintain Good Physical Health
Harmful bacteria can build up in your mouth and possibly enter your bloodstream, which could cause additional health concerns. Studies link heart disease, diabetes, and stroke to patients who have poor oral hygiene. Therefore, with the proper oral care, you can reduce your risk of harming your physical health.
Keep Your Natural Teeth
Visiting your friendly Santa Cruz dentists twice a year can help you keep your natural teeth longer. With preventative care, you can stop potential problems, such as gum disease or tooth decay. Your natural teeth are crucial to your health, so it is vital to take care of your teeth. Good oral hygiene can help you keep your teeth for the long haul.
Detect Dental Problems Early
During regular checkups and cleanings, the dentist will examine your teeth and gums for potential problems such as cavity development or broken teeth. With early detection, you can avoid extensive oral health damage resulting in additional expenses. If some dental issues remain untreated, you could need a root canal, gum surgery, or tooth extraction.
Maintain Good Oral Health
Twice a year, dental visits help remove plaque and tartar from hard-to-reach areas that your toothbrush and floss miss and helps keep your oral health on track. These twice-yearly dental visits allow your board-certified dentists in Scotts Valley a chance to discover any potential problems when they first develop. Addressing dental concerns early on is ideal as it prevents costly and invasive treatments down the road.
Create a Treatment Plan
Problems diagnosed during regular checkup or cleaning appointments require a treatment plan. Therefore, your professional Santa Cruz dentists will create a plan complete with the time frame, recommended treatments, and the cost.
Maintain a Bright, White Smile
The dental hygienist can also remove most stains caused by coffee, tea, and tobacco. With regular cleanings, you can keep teeth discoloration to a minimum and maintain a bright, white smile. However, if your teeth are still dingy after a cleaning, it may be time to discuss teeth whitening options during your next appointment.
Prevent Bad Breath
Harmful bacteria and decay can cause halitosis or persistent bad breath. However, your mouth is not necessarily the cause, as it could come from acid reflux, medications, or other health conditions. Therefore, if you notice you have persistent bad breath, no matter if you use mouthwash or breath mints, contact the Scotts Valley dentists near you to schedule an appointment to determine the cause of your bad breath.
Family Dentists in Los Gatos, Santa Cruz, and Scotts Valley, California
When you make your new year’s resolution list, remember your oral health. Set a personal goal to better your oral health through the year by brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and visiting your experienced Los Gatos dentists at Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry twice a year for checkups and cleanings. Feel free to call our office at (831) 438-4411 or request an appointment online today!