Could Sleep Apnea be a Side Effect of your Medication?

Categories: Sleep Disorders

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Obstructive sleep apnea is a severe sleep breathing disorder that can affect individuals of any age, gender or body type. Certain factors can raise or lower your risk of sleep apnea, such as weight and whether or not you drink alcohol, but did you know that what medication you take […]

Cross Off Something from your Dental Wish List

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA We would like to begin this latest blog entry by asking a couple of questions. When was the last time you did something for yourself? Are you happy with the appearance of your smile? Cosmetic dentistry makes it possible to transform the way your smile looks, while also representing an […]

Implants Can Change your Life for the Better

Categories: Dental Implants
dental implants change life

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA When someone takes out their phone to take a picture, how do you respond? Do you flash a wide smile and show your teeth? Or are you more likely to keep your mouth closed because you are self-conscious about the way your smile looks? If you have missing teeth, it […]

How We Correct Overlapping Teeth

Categories: Orthodontics
overlapping teeth

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Do you have one tooth in front of another in your mouth? This means that you have teeth that overlap, and it is more common than you might think. If you have overlapping teeth, this can cause multiple concerns, with regard to the aesthetics of your smile and even potentially […]

The Connection between Snoring, Sleep Apnea and Alcohol

Categories: Sleep Disorders
snoring and sleep apnea

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Sleep disorders, which are defined as any condition that leads to substandard sleep, are an epidemic in the United States. The American Sleep Apnea Association estimates that anywhere from 50 million to 70 million Americans do not get enough quality sleep on a nightly basis. Millions of these individuals experience […]

The Ultimate Care Guide for Dentures

Categories: Dentures
care for dentures

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Dentures are an excellent way to restore your smile when you suffer from complete tooth loss. They also help restore your smile so that you can chew food again. Overtime, your dentures will become stained and dingy from normal wear and use. If cared for properly, dentures can last for […]

These Common Health Problems Could Start in your Mouth

Categories: Health

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Oral health conditions like gum disease have direct links with common health problems. And in some cases, certain health problems could make developing gum disease more likely. Keep in mind, however, that while dentists only diagnose dental related diseases, they may be able to make you aware of health issues […]

Treating your TMJ Disorder can be Life-Changing

Categories: TMJ/TMD
treat tmj

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Nothing can impact your life like living with chronic pain. It can negatively affect your ability to work and go about your daily routine. Pain can hinder your relationships with friends, family and coworkers.  and even hinder your ability to rest. Temporomandibular disorder has symptoms that can vary widely from […]

Why Sleeping more isn’t the Answer for Sleep Apnea

Categories: Sleep Disorders
sleeping more

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Sleep apnea is a sleep-breathing disorder in which the sufferer wakes up throughout the night even though they are usually unaware of these events. This disorder is characterized by pauses in breathing in which the brain wakes up, disrupting the deep stage of the sleep cycle, to signal the body […]