Problem Solvers for your Smile in Scotts Valley

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA When you look in a mirror or see a picture of yourself, are you unhappy with the appearance of your smile? If so, you are not alone. One study of 2,000 Americans found that roughly 60% of respondents disliked the way their smile looked. Improving the appearance of your smile […]

Mouth Breathing is a Serious Problem

Categories: General Dentistry
mouth breathing

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Being healthy means eating right, getting enough rest, exercising regularly and avoiding bad habits such as smoking or drinking alcohol. Did you know that the way you breathe also impacts your health and wellness? Regular breathing through the mouth can cause a host of problems, especially during childhood. We explore […]

How Diabetes can Impact your Oral Health

Categories: Oral Health
diabetes and oral health

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Did you know that, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, diabetes affects more than 38 million adults in America? Are you one of them? If you have diabetes, you’re probably in regular contact with your doctor and taking steps to improve your overall health and manage your […]

Why Mercury-Safe Dentistry is a Must

Categories: General Dentistry
mercury free dental

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA When someone has a cavity, there are now more options than ever for the material used to fill it. But it wasn’t too long ago that options were far more limited, and people walking around with common silver fillings can prove it! Silver fillings have been used in dentistry for […]

Can Dentistry Correct Pediatric Sleep Apnea?

correct pediatric sleep apnea

Santa Cruz and Scotts Valley CA Usually when we think of sleep apnea — a condition marked by interruptions in breathing during sleep — we think of the loud snoring associated with it and the continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines used to treat it. Rarely do we think about sleep apnea in children. But […]

5 Common Questions about Biological Dentistry

Categories: General Dentistry
Biological Dentistry

Santa Cruz and Scotts Valley CA As people become more health-conscious, many are seeking out holistic and minimally invasive approaches to dental care. So what is this increasingly popular practice called biological dentistry all about? Our holistic dentist in Santa Cruz answers five of the most common questions about it today: What is biological dentistry? […]

Does My Child need to have a Tongue Tie Released?

Categories: Tongue Tie
Does my child need to have a tongue tie released

Santa Cruz and Scotts Valley CA Can you identify your lingual frenum? This is a small piece of tissue that connects the underside of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. Everyone has this frenum in place but sometimes this tissue is too short and thus limits the tongue’s range of motion. When this […]

Are you Suffering from Allergies or Sleep Apnea?

Categories: Sleep Disorders
allergies or sleep apnea

Santa Cruz and Scotts Valley CA More than 25.7% of adults in America suffer from at least one seasonal allergy. This data, which comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, means that one out of every four adults deals with allergies. In some cases, these allergies are severe enough to affect sleep patterns, […]

Why Snoring is no Laughing Matter

Categories: Sleep Disorders
snoring is no laughing matter

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA It’s easy to poke fun at people for their loud, obnoxious snoring — after all, we don’t call it “sawing logs” for nothing. But snoring is actually no laughing matter. In fact, it’s oftentimes an indication of something very serious — something that can increase a person’s risk of developing […]

Is Sleep Apnea Really that Serious?

Categories: Sleep Disorders
is sleep apnea that serious

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Sleep apnea is a condition characterized by repeated pauses in breathing during sleep. The most common type of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which occurs when the muscles in the throat relax too much, causing a partial or complete airway blockage. The most common symptom is loud, persistent […]