Find out how Untreated Sleep Apnea could Lead to an Early Death

Categories: Sleep Disorders
sleep apnea and death

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Sleep apnea is a common yet potentially life-threatening condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by pauses in breathing or shallow breaths during sleep, leading to a decrease in oxygen levels and disrupted sleep patterns. Despite its prevalence, sleep apnea often goes undiagnosed and untreated, posing significant […]

Does it Hurt to get Dental Implants?

Categories: Dental Implants
do dental implants hurt

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Dental implants have become an increasingly popular way to replace missing teeth and restore a smile, but the process of getting them can sound a little scary and painful. After all, dental implants require our implant dentist in Santa Cruz to surgically insert an artificial, metal tooth root in the […]

How can a Smile Makeover Improve your Confidence?

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry
improve self confidence

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA A smile makeover is a comprehensive treatment plan designed to enhance the appearance of your smile through various cosmetic dentistry procedures. From professional teeth whitening to porcelain veneers, dental bonding and orthodontic treatments like Invisalign, a smile makeover can completely transform your smile, and in doing so, it can transform […]

6 Ways to get Better Sleep this Spring

Categories: Sleep Disorders
sleep better

SANTA CRUZ, SCOTTS VALLEY CA Nearly 70 million Americans suffer from sleep deficiency, according to the National Institutes of Health. Whether you have a difficult time staying asleep or still feel tired when you wake up, there are many causes to chronic daytime fatigue. Unfortunately, ignoring sleep loss may increase your risk of chronic conditions […]

Why Does My Child Continue to Wet the Bed?

child wetting bed

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Bedwetting can be an embarrassing problem, especially for older children, and it can be frustrating for parents who feel they are powerless to help. Also called nocturnal enuresis, bedwetting is a common childhood issue that can persist into adolescence and sometimes even into adulthood. Recent research has revealed a surprising […]

Can Prescription Drugs Exacerbate Sleep Apnea Symptoms?

Categories: Sleep Disorders
prescription drugs

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Prescription drugs are sometimes necessary to manage health conditions, but, unfortunately, they can aggravate symptoms of sleep apnea, a common sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep. The pauses can occur multiple times per hour, interrupting sleep patterns and restricting oxygen that the brain and body need. This […]

How Can a Dentist help My Child Sleep Better?

Categories: Sleep Disorders
help child sleep better

SANTA CRUZ, SCOTTS VALLEY CA We have a few questions to about the quality of sleep your child is getting: Does your child ever seem to struggle to breathe at night? Does s/he snore, take pauses in breathing or make choking or gasping noises as if s/he has momentarily stopped breathing? Is s/he still wetting […]

Desperate for Chronic Headache Relief? Don’t Miss this Advice!

Categories: TMJ/TMD
headache relief

SANTA CRUZ, SCOTTS VALLEY CA Chronic headaches can be a nightmare, affecting every aspect of your life from your ability to sleep at night or function daily, and significantly impacts your energy and mood. Unfortunately, over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers only do so much at relieving the pain and aren’t much good at treating the frequency […]

6 Tips to Maintain a Healthy Smile this Spring

Categories: General Dentistry
spring smile

SANTA CRUZ, SCOTTS VALLEY CA For many of us, the arrival of spring brings with it feelings of renewal and rejuvenation. Spring also represents an ideal time of year to refresh your smile. Just follow this six-step guide from your Scotts Valley dentists to maintain a healthy smile this spring. Tip 1: Review your brushing […]

4 Common Cosmetic Dental Procedures in Scotts Valley

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry
common cosmetic dental procedures

SANTA CRUZ, SCOTTS VALLEY CA You turn on the TV or go online and what do you see? Celebrity after celebrity, all of whom have smiles full of dazzling white, perfectly-shaped teeth. We have a secret to share; those flawless-looking smiles are attainable for almost anyone. Cosmetic dentistry makes it possible. Read on, as today […]