5 Ways a Smile Design can make you Look Younger

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry


Are you unhappy with the look of your smile? Cosmetic dentistry uses beautiful materials, leading-edge tools, and advanced techniques to transform the appearance of patients’ teeth and mouths. Sometimes, you might need multiple cosmetic procedures to reach your aesthetic goals. In these cases, the Scotts Valley cosmetic dentists at Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry can put together a customized treatment plan called a Smile Design. You may know some of the benefits of one of these treatment plans, but do you know it also can make you look younger? Here are five ways a Smile Design can make you look younger.

  • Your facial structure will be stronger

Depending on the procedures you choose, a Smile Design can reverse aging signs. By replacing missing teeth, you restore your smile and bite. You also avoid the sunken facial appearance common in people living with tooth loss… and can make you look older than you are.

  • Other people notice

Sometimes, we can be our own worst enemy. Validation from others, meanwhile, can go a long way. People around you will see your new smile. They’ll notice the changes in your facial appearance: no more sunken facial structure, less prominent jowls, or reduced facial folds.

  • You feel better about yourself

Ever hear the old cliché, “You’re only as old as you feel?” Well, when you go through a Smile Design in Los Gatos overseen by one of the expert cosmetic dentists at Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry, you will look—and feel—better about your smile. That means you’re going to show off your smile more often. Smiling triggers a response in the brain that releases endorphins, elevating your mood, making you feel happier, and boosting your energy level. In short, you’ll feel younger.

  • Your jaws will align better

You probably never think about the function of your jaws or what position they should be in unless you’re experiencing a jaw problem such as temporomandibular joint disorder. Cosmetic dentistry improves both the form and function of your teeth. That means bringing your teeth and jaws back into their ideal alignment. Having a better jaw position will alleviate any jaw problems you are experiencing, like TMJ disorder or just jaw pain.

  • You’ll feel healthier

Most of us develop health problems as we age. If your teeth are damaged, discolored, cracked, excessively worn, or missing, it can make you feel unhealthy because you see that poor health in your smile. A Smile Design changes all of that. This transformative treatment plan restores health and beauty to your teeth, and you’ll feel better about your overall health as a result.

Cosmetic Dentistry in Scotts Valley, Los Gatos, and Santa Cruz

At Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry, we believe that everyone is entitled to a healthy and beautiful smile. A Smile Design accomplishes that goal. By working from a treatment plan, you avoid any duplicate or unnecessary procedures. The Smile Design also can factor in your schedule availability and your budget, so you can pay for each treatment as it occurs. If you’re interested in learning more about cosmetic dentistry, schedule a consultation by calling Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry at (831) 438-4411.