Satisfying a Sweet Tooth Without Compromising Oral Health

Categories: General Dentistry
satisfy sweet tooth

SANTA CRUZ, SCOTTS VALLEY CA When we’re hit with the craving to indulge in something sweet, hardly anything is going to satisfy it like confections: chocolate, candy, cake and cookies … oh my! At the same time, nothing wreaks havoc on our teeth like sugar. Bacteria in our mouths literally live and thrive off sugar. […]

4 Questions to Ask Your Scotts Valley Dentist

Categories: General Dentistry
dental questions

SANTA CRUZ, SCOTTS VALLEY CA Knowledge is power. If you’d like to become more informed about your oral health, the best person to ask about your hygiene habits, dental health or possible dental procedures will always be your dentist at Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry. Is it time for your biannual dental checkup? These regular appointments are […]

What Causes of Dental Pain and What Can I Do About It

Categories: General Dentistry
what causes dental pain

SANTA CRUZ, SCOTTS VALLEY CA Teeth can hurt for many reasons, and most of them will be fairly obvious: an accident resulting in a blow to the mouth or maybe eating something that is very cold. Some kinds of dental pain, on the other hand, have fewer clear origins. The eruption of wisdom teeth, for […]

5 Dental Habits to Break

Categories: General Dentistry
bad dental habits

SANTA CRUZ, SCOTTS VALLEY CA You’ve probably heard the saying, “Old habits die hard.” That is often the case with many habits, including ones related to your oral health. You could be doing detrimental things to your oral health without even realizing it. Today on our newest blog, our family dentists in Scotts Valley at […]

6 Reasons to Smile More Often

Categories: General Dentistry
smile more often

SANTA CRUZ, SCOTTS VALLEY CA According to a recent study, more than three out of every four respondents said that a smile is the most important physical trait they evaluate when making a first impression of someone. People that smile more are prone to success, both personally and in the workplace. But did you know […]

Most Common Causes of a Toothache

Categories: General Dentistry

SANTA CRUZ, SCOTTS VALLEY CA You’re just going through your daily routine when, suddenly, it hits: tooth pain. It might be a dull ache, a steady throb, or a sharp, stabbing bolt of agony. By any name, tooth pain can have a major impact on you and your day-to-day life. It can affect your ability […]

What is Fluoride?

Categories: General Dentistry

SANTA CRUZ, SCOTTS VALLEY CA Fluoride is a naturally occurring ionic compound of the element Fluorine. Since Fluorine is the thirteenth most abundant element in the earth’s crust, it is fairly common and is present in most water and plants in varying but usually small amounts. Since the 1950s, the United States government has made […]

The Real Cost of Tooth Loss

Categories: General Dentistry
cost of missing tooth

SANTA CRUZ, SCOTTS VALLEY CA A rite of passage for any developing child is the loss of baby teeth. Most adults can remember this part of their childhood: the odd feeling of a loose tooth, the various means to get a tooth out (the string tied to the doorknob springs to mind), and the temporary […]

How your Misaligned Teeth Could be Blamed for your Jaw Pain

Categories: General Dentistry
jaw pain

SANTA CRUZ, SCOTTS VALLEY CA Many people, whether young or old, suffer from crooked teeth. Every year, orthodontists install braces on millions of patients to straighten crooked teeth and address bites that might cause ongoing problems. Having teeth that aren’t properly aligned may have serious, long-term effects on your health, and it’s important to address this […]

How to find a Scotts Valley Dentist that Meets your Dental Needs

Categories: General Dentistry
meet dental needs

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ CA Finding a dentist who is both competent and best suits your requirements is essential, just like finding any other healthcare professional. Nevertheless, how can you choose the best dentist for you out of the thousands of dentists in practice? Our Scotts Valley family dentists at Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry share on […]