Tired of getting Sick? Stop Smoking!

Categories: Health

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA We already are aware of the many health danger of smoking, and the fact that tobacco use is one of the worst things for your teeth and gums. It increases the risk of gum disease, which inevitably means you’re more likely to lose your teeth. In fact, smokers have about […]

How your Scotts Valley Dentists are helping Save Lives

Categories: Oral Health

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Discovering oral cancer early on means better survival rate, here’s how your Scotts Valley Dentists are helping save lives. The American Dental Association recommends that everyone see their dentist twice per year, or every six months, for a check-up that should include a dental cleaning and an examination of your […]

How Crooked Teeth can be bad for your Health

Categories: Orthodontics

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Survey after survey shows the same thing: Your smile plays a major factor when making a first impression. For many people, how they feel about their teeth can be complicated—especially as modern society seems to become more and more about image. Maybe your teeth do not look the way you […]

How Sleep Loss Affects your Immune System

Categories: Sleep Disorders

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Does it seem as if you are always sick, or that you get over an illness only to contract a new one right away? The answer to your health problems actually could be found in your bedroom. New and evolving research continues to show a link between sleep deprivation and […]

Sleep Apnea and Severe Asthma go Hand in Hand

Categories: Sleep Disorders

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Are you one of the millions of Americans suffering from sleep apnea? If you have sleep apnea and also suffer from asthma, your sleep breathing disorder actually could be used to predict future asthma attacks. Scientists at the University of Newcastle in Australia just released a study in December identifying […]

What makes my Smile Unique

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Much like people are their own unique individual, every smile is different. You may smile by showing all of your teeth, some of your teeth, or no teeth at all. Smiles come in varying shapes and sizes. You may have a smile that looks almost identical to a family member’s […]

How to sleep better on Christmas Eve

Categories: blog

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Even as adults, we get excited about celebrating Christmas. The good food that will soon be devoured, all of the presents and gift giving, and time spent with family and friends can be enough to spur your excitement for this end of year holiday. This excitement may be enough to […]

Functional Frenuloplasty to treat tongue-ties in Scotts Valley

Categories: Tongue Tie

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Have you ever heard of a functional frenuloplasty procedure?This term may sound like a mouthful, but if you or someone you love has a tongue-tie, this procedure is your ticket to better oral health, improved breathing, and a better functioning tongue for chewing, speaking, and swallowing. This blog will explore […]

Six Tips for Invisalign Patients

Categories: Invisalign

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Survey after survey shows the same thing: Your smile plays a major factor when making a first impression. For many people, how they feel about their teeth can be complicated—especially as modern society seems to become more and more about image. Maybe your teeth do not look the way you […]

Mouth Exercises to Prevent Braces

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Most kids seem to end up needing braces at some point in time. Crooked or gapped teeth seem to be the norm these days, and parents want the best for their children, which is why getting braces to correct the issue is usually the obvious choice. What if there was […]