The Link between Migraines and your Dental Health

Categories: Oral Health

migrainesSanta Cruz, Scotts Valley CA

Migraines are a debilitating condition that affects more than 39 million people in the United States. As anyone who’s ever had a migraine knows, these crippling headaches can strike with no warning and last from hours to days, with symptoms ranging from light- and sound-sensitivity to nausea and visual disturbances.

Despite advancements in modern medicine, migraines are still a medical mystery with no exact proven cause. While they’re commonly linked to neurological or hormonal factors, many people are surprised to learn that their oral health can also trigger or worsen migraine symptoms.

On today’s blog, your Santa Cruz family dentist is exploring the link between migraines, chronic headaches and oral health.

How could dental issues cause migraines?

Dental pain can travel to other parts of the head and face through the trigeminal nerve, a major cranial nerve that transmits pain from the face, teeth and jaw to the brain. This nerve has three main branches that reach the upper and lower jaws and the scalp. When dental issues such as tooth decay, abscesses or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders irritate the trigeminal nerve, it can cause referred pain, which means that discomfort can be felt in areas other than the source of the pain. This referred pain can mimic or trigger migraines by amplifying the brain’s pain response, particularly in individuals prone to migraines or chronic headaches.

What are the common dental factors behind migraines?

Certain dental conditions often overwork the muscles around the face, contributing to tension and pain in the jaw, head and neck and also strain that radiates into the head.

  1. Bruxism — Bruxism is the nighttime clenching and grinding of the teeth. It exerts immense pressure on the teeth and jaw, often leading to excruciating headaches.
  2. TMJ Disorder — The temporomandibular joint connects the jawbone to the skull and acts as a hinge to allow movements like chewing, speaking and yawning. When this joint becomes misaligned, inflamed or damaged, it can cause pain, clicking or popping sounds in the jaw, difficulty opening and closing the mouth and chronic headaches.
  3. Bite misalignment — A poorly aligned bite can strain facial muscles, leading to discomfort and headaches.
  4. Oral infections — Infections like cavities, abscesses or gum disease can create systemic inflammation, potentially worsening the frequency or severity of migraines.

How can a dentist help with my chronic headaches?

Our Scotts Valley dentist can conduct a comprehensive exam and evaluation to identify any dental issues like bruxism, a TMJ disorder, bite misalignment or oral infection.

Treatment recommendations will depend on the diagnosis and could include:

  • Oral appliance therapy — We custom-make nightguards for patients to wear at night to prevent teeth grinding.
  • Orthodontic treatments — Treatments such as Invisalign can correct a bad bite over time. Invisalign uses a series of custom-made, clear plastic aligners that fit snugly over the teeth and gradually shift them into their proper position.
  • Physical therapy for the jaw

Migraine relief in Scotts Valley, Santa Cruz and Los Gatos, California

If you experience frequent migraines, relief could be as close as your Santa Cruz dental office. Contact Ebrahminian Integrative Dentistry today by calling (831) 824-5111 or reaching out to us online. We want to work with you to rule out any dental issues that could be contributing to your chronic headaches and help improve the quality of your life.