Santa Cruz Half Marathon

Categories: blog

Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz, CA We had a great time running the Santa Cruz Half Marathon today!  The weather was absolutely perfect for the 13.1 mile course along West Cliff Drive, out to Wilder Ranch, and finishing on Cowell’s Beach.  Max has run this race every year since it started in 2001 and finished […]

North American Association for Facial Orthotropics (NAAFO)

Categories: blog

Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz, CA We recently attended the inaugural conference of the North American Association for Facial Orthotropics (NAAFO) held in Chicago.  We always hope to come away with interesting and pertinent information that can make a positive difference in our lives and those we serve.  For me, it came through not only […]

Oral Posture And Function

Categories: blog

Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz, CA Fortunate are people who recognize and benefit from an opportunity that presents itself in a window of limited time in their lifetime.  How does this relate to our health? We just attended the conference of International Association of Facial Growth Guidance (IAFGG) held in Calgary, Canada. The meeting was […]


Categories: blog, Health

Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz, CA If you experience anxiety, runny/stuffy nose, asthma, fatigue, insomnia, heart problems, and even obesity, you may be falling victim to one of the most rarely identified obstacles to optimal health: over-breathing. The vast majority of us take in far too much air than required, typically by mouth breathing, which […]