A Safer Alternative for Fillings

Categories: Health

Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz, CA A recent growing movement is steering patients away from amalgam fillings. Old metal fillings contain mercury, and studies have linked many health-related conditions to these silver fillings. If you have some of these silver fillings, they release mercury vapors every time you bite or chew, which can enter your […]

A Tight Tongue or Tongue Tie

Categories: Health

Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz, CA As dentists, we are most often focused on the health of the teeth and gums.  But one of the most important parts of your mouth is actually the tongue!  From birth, the tongue is largely responsible for an infant’s ability to latch during breastfeeding.  The development of a proper […]


Categories: blog, Health

Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz, CA If you experience anxiety, runny/stuffy nose, asthma, fatigue, insomnia, heart problems, and even obesity, you may be falling victim to one of the most rarely identified obstacles to optimal health: over-breathing. The vast majority of us take in far too much air than required, typically by mouth breathing, which […]