Get the Facts about Myofunctional Therapy

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA At Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry, we believe that maintaining a high level of oral health is crucial to your overall wellness. Due to this commitment, we offer a wide range of services, including myofunctional therapy. You may have heard about myofunctional therapy, but have questions about treatment of this kind and […]

Learn how to Stop your Child’s Tongue Thrust

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Do you know what tongue thrust is? Tongue thrust occurs when the tongue presses too far forward in the mouth. Living with tongue thrust can cause problems with the alignment of your child’s teeth that require orthodontic treatment in Scotts Valley to resolve. Read on to learn more about tongue […]

How to Prevent your Child from Developing Crooked Teeth

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Many kids develop misaligned or crooked teeth, and later end up in braces or other forms of orthodontics to straighten their teeth. It seems like most adolescents and teens end up in braces, but what if we told you this could be prevented? Myofunctional therapists in Scotts Valley at Ebrahimian […]

How Veneers can give you the Whiter Teeth you always Wanted

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Are you unhappy with the appearance of your smile? Whitening your teeth can make a dramatic and immediate difference in the way your smile looks, making you feel more self-confident and therefore able to make a great first impression. Did you know, however, that there is another way to brighten […]

Athletes, get the Secret to Better Performance

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Whether you are competing in a sport at a high level, or you are just a weekend warrior who participates on a recreational basis, there’s a secret to raising your A game: shut your mouth. Read on as Drs. Max and Ariana Ebrahimian explain why a closed mouth can improve […]

Learn about the True Value of Implant Dentures

Categories: Dental Implants

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA If you have lost some of your teeth, you may feel embarrassed about it. You shouldn’t; tooth loss is more common than you might think—especially as you age. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 20 percent of Americans over the age of 65 have lost all […]

Is Sleep Apnea in Children really a Thing?

Categories: Sleep Disorders

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Most people associate sleep apnea with overweight, middle-aged men. However, did you know that children also can develop this sleep-breathing disorder? Sleep apnea doctors in Scotts Valley at Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry want you to be aware of the dangers of pediatric sleep apnea, and what you can do about it […]

What’s Causing all these Cavities

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Do you know what causes cavities? Most people would respond with facts such as not taking care of one’s teeth, or consuming too much sugar, but there’s another culprit that you probably never thought of – breathing. Of course, breathing is a necessary part of life, but it’s not the […]

Time for your Child to kick their Thumb Sucking Habit

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Most babies suck their thumbs or fingers. This usually is seen as an endearing or precocious habit that most children have broken by the time they begin school. Did you know, however, that prolonged thumb sucking could cause dental damage? In this blog, your Los Gatos family dentists at Ebrahimian […]

Your Dental Checkups may help Prevent Cancer

Categories: Gum Disease

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Going to the dentist is quite unpopular by a lot of people in the U.S., mostly due to a fear of the dentist or financial constraints. However, a new study published by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute states that regular dental checkups help prevent gum disease, which has […]