Can I Still go to the Dentist even if I don’t get the COVID Vaccine?

Categories: General Dentistry

can i go to to the dentist without covid vaccineSCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ CA

The coronavirus pandemic turned everyone’s world upside down. But since the introduction of the COVID-19 vaccine, hope is on the horizon. California state’s goal is to vaccinate everyone that wants the vaccine by summer 2021. Currently, frontline workers in healthcare or long-term care facilities, individuals 65 and older, and those employed in agriculture and food, education and childcare, and emergency services can get the vaccine if they want it. Beginning March 15, clinical professionals may use their discretion to vaccinate individuals in high-risk categories for ages 16-64, according to California All website. If you fall under a phase that isn’t eligible for the COVID vaccine right now, or you choose not to get it at all, you may be wondering if you can still go to the dentist without being vaccinated. Today on the blog, our general dentists in Scotts Valley at Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry answer this question.

Short answer, yes! You can still go to the dentist even if you choose not to get the COVID vaccine, and here’s why.

Our clean dental office in Scotts Valley continues to enforce rigorous protocols to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. This includes screening patients before their appointment, requiring masks inside our practice, and asking patients to reschedule their appointment if they are coughing, running a fever, or have been in close contact with a COVID-19 positive individual. During your visit with us, we ensure social distancing among patients so that you can maintain a safe distance from others (aside from your dental care team) during your appointment. Additionally, we’ve always taken infection control seriously, which is why we use CDC-approved disinfectants to wipe down all surfaces in each room after a patient appointment, and we adhere to OSHA’s sterilization requirements of dental tools.

Additional protocols that patients can take to reduce their risk of COVID-19 are to practice social distancing, avoid crowds, wear a mask in public, frequently wash their hands, and get vaccinated when eligible. However, if you choose not to get the vaccine or have to wait a while to get it, you can still visit the dentist as long as you are not experiencing shortness of breath, cough, fever, or have been around anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19. In fact, we encourage all healthy individuals to see the dentist regularly for their twice-yearly checkups and cleanings, as well as follow through with proposed treatment plans to avoid dental disease or the need for emergency dental care.

Here’s why routine dental care is essential, even if you don’t get the COVID vaccine

Twice-yearly dental cleanings and checkups are essential to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Not only does that result in fresher breath and whiter teeth, but it reduces your chance of developing cavities or gum disease – the leading cause of tooth loss among adults. Along with preventive dental care, you should also adopt a consistent oral hygiene routine at home consisting of brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing daily. These efforts remove biofilm (the building block of tooth decay) and plaque buildup from your teeth and gums. Neglecting to brush and floss daily results in tartar buildup, which advances gum disease and leads to cavities.

Our Scotts Valley family dentists recommend patients follow through with their dental appointments as long as they are not experiencing symptoms of COVID or are otherwise sick. While the vaccine is proven to reduce your risk of contracting COVID-19, it doesn’t mean you can’t still see the dentist without it.

Family Dentists in Scotts Valley, Los Gatos, and Santa Cruz

We all play a role in stopping the spread of COVID-19 by following the CDC’s recommendations. However, it is each individual’s choice as to whether they get the COVID vaccine or not. We want patients to know that they can still see the dentist if they haven’t received the COVID vaccine or choose not to get it at all. To learn more or schedule an appointment, please call Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry at (831) 438-4411.