




We met Paige when she was 8 years old. She was referred in by an orthodontist who knew about the work we do with Orthotropics® and thought we might be able to help her. Paige was born with a cleft lip and cleft palate that had stunted the growth of her upper jaw, affecting her profile, speech, and airway. She was also congenitally missing a front tooth in the area of the cleft. Although she was under the supervision of the cleft palate team at Stanford University, the doctors there had told her she would have to wait until her late teen years for jaw surgery to correct everything. We believed there was a better and far less invasive way to help her.
By using Orthotropic principles and a combination of growth appliances and braces, we advanced Paige’s upper jaw over 11mm, restoring proper facial balance and bite relationship. In the process, her teeth were straightened and we created the space she needs to replace her congenitally missing front tooth. Perhaps the most rewarding change, however, was in Paige’s self confidence. We are so excited to be a part of this transformation.