Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA
Even as adults, we get excited about celebrating Christmas. The good food that will soon be devoured, all of the presents and gift giving, and time spent with family and friends can be enough to spur your excitement for this end of year holiday. This excitement may be enough to keep you from getting enough quality rest that you need on Christmas Eve.
Sleep apnea doctors in Scotts Valley in Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry want you to know how you can sleep better on Christmas Eve.
Stick to a routine
Don’t let the excitement of Christmas spoil your routine. Stick to your normal bedtime, and wake-up time the next morning. Resist the urge to stay up late binging on those Christmas themed movies on Netflix. Instead, follow your normal bedtime routine so that your body’s internal clock doesn’t get confused.
Trade the eggnog for some tea
Many people believe the myth that consuming alcohol before bed will result in a better night’s sleep. That simply is just a myth! Instead of enjoying that cup of spiked eggnog before bed, skip the alcohol entirely so that you can rest better. Instead, sip on some hot tea, but skip adding the sugar!
Eat light
Christmas Day will be filled with lots, and lots of food, so don’t try to get a head start by eating a large dinner on Christmas Eve. Stick to something light like soup or lean meat and veggies. Going to bed with a full tummy will lead to restless sleep.
Get fresh air, exercise
There certainly is a lot to do in preparation for Christmas Day, but don’t neglect your body! Get outside for some fresh air and sunshine,and burn some calories while you’re at it. Moderate exercise performed daily helps keep your spirits high, your body healthy, and it burns calories to prevent unwanted weight gain.
Plan ahead
Speaking of preparation, don’t wait until the last minute to plan your menu, shop for food or gifts, or stay up late wrapping presents. You’ve had an entire year to plan for the holiday, Christmas is the same day every year, so don’t wait until the day before to try and get everything done. Plan ahead and do your shopping before the last minute, prepare dishes ahead of time if you can.
While there is much excitement in the air on Christmas Eve, getting a good night’s sleep should still be a priority. But for some, it’s not the excitement at all that keeps them from sleeping well each night.Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when there is a blockage in the airway, which restricts airflow to the body and brain. This condition causes restless sleep, snoring, and daytime fatigue, to name a few symptoms. If you aren’t sleeping well at night, not just on Christmas Eve, you should consider receiving an evaluation from a sleep apnea specialist in the Scotts Valley area such as the dentists at Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry. To learn more or to schedule your consultation, please contact our office by calling (831) 438-4411. From the team at Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry, we wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
We welcome patients of Los Gatos, Santa Cruz, and Scotts Valley.