Time for your Child to kick their Thumb Sucking Habit

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Most babies suck their thumbs or fingers. This usually is seen as an endearing or precocious habit that most children have broken by the time they begin school. Did you know, however, that prolonged thumb sucking could cause dental damage? In this blog, your Los Gatos family dentists at Ebrahimian […]

Is your Child a Mouth Breather

Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz, CA Experts agree that if you can see or hear your child breathing, there’s a problem. Have you ever stopped to notice whether you can see or hear your child breathing? If you haven’t, you should. If, on the other hand, you already are aware of their breathing habits, the […]

Want your Children to Practice Good Dental Hygiene

Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz, CA Where do you think your children look for role models? Usually, the first place they look is in their own home. As parents, you should be setting good examples of behavior—whether that means eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables or maintaining your own dental health. […]

Treats to avoid this Halloween

Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz, CA It may surprise you to learn that, according to a poll conducted by the American Dental Association, 76 percent of the responding dentists said they hand out candy to trick-or-treaters on Halloween. Dentists know better than anyone about the dangers of tooth decay, and that eating too much sugar […]

New Epidemic–Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children

Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz, CA Sleep-disordered breathing (SBD) is a term used for breathing difficulties that occur while sleeping. SBD may include loud snoring or episodes of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), which involve partial or complete airway blockages that impede airflow during sleep. OSA results in an increased blood pressure, lower oxygen levels in […]

Philosphy of Functional Orthodontics and how it may help your Child

Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz, CA Standard orthodontics focuses on straightening teeth, with treatment usually taking place during adolescence. However, practitioners of functional orthodontics like the dentists at Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry can achieve other goals, in addition to straightening your child’s teeth that may benefit the health and well being of your child. The principles […]

Pediatric Sleep Apnea–What Every Parent Needs to Know

Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz, CA Sleep apnea has become an epidemic among not only adults but children too. Used to, sleep apnea was associated with middle-aged men that were overweight. But, even children as young as two years of age can develop this sleep breathing disorder. Sleep apnea – the silent killer The surprising […]

Teething Babies Need Oral Hygiene

Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz, CA Teething is a challenging time in life both for the child and the parents. A baby who is teething is prone to irritability, fussiness, insomnia or decreased appetite. A low-grade fever also is common. No two children are alike when it comes to teething. Typically, baby teeth begin to […]

DIY: Is Your Child’s Face Growing Favorably?


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