Could Sleep Apnea be a Side Effect of your Medication?

Categories: Sleep Disorders

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Obstructive sleep apnea is a severe sleep breathing disorder that can affect individuals of any age, gender or body type. Certain factors can raise or lower your risk of sleep apnea, such as weight and whether or not you drink alcohol, but did you know that what medication you take […]

The Connection between Snoring, Sleep Apnea and Alcohol

Categories: Sleep Disorders
snoring and sleep apnea

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Sleep disorders, which are defined as any condition that leads to substandard sleep, are an epidemic in the United States. The American Sleep Apnea Association estimates that anywhere from 50 million to 70 million Americans do not get enough quality sleep on a nightly basis. Millions of these individuals experience […]

Why Sleeping more isn’t the Answer for Sleep Apnea

Categories: Sleep Disorders
sleeping more

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Sleep apnea is a sleep-breathing disorder in which the sufferer wakes up throughout the night even though they are usually unaware of these events. This disorder is characterized by pauses in breathing in which the brain wakes up, disrupting the deep stage of the sleep cycle, to signal the body […]

Is your Child at Risk of a Sleep Breathing Disorder?

Categories: Sleep Disorders
sleep breathing disorder

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA You watch over your child and want the best for them. However, have you ever paid attention to the way he or she breathes? Sleep breathing disorders have become a silent epidemic among children in the United States. Read on to educate yourself as to the warning signs of a […]

Get Relief for your Sleep Apnea and Snoring

Categories: Sleep Disorders
snoring relief

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA The American Medical Association estimates that approximately 90 million Americans snore at times, including 37 million American adults who snore on a regular basis. Are you one of them? Loud, regular snoring is considered one of the major warning signs that someone suffers from a sleep breathing disorder called obstructive […]

Are you Suffering from Allergies or Sleep Apnea?

Categories: Sleep Disorders
allergies or sleep apnea

Santa Cruz and Scotts Valley CA More than 25.7% of adults in America suffer from at least one seasonal allergy. This data, which comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, means that one out of every four adults deals with allergies. In some cases, these allergies are severe enough to affect sleep patterns, […]

Want better Sleep? Try Buteyko Breathing

Categories: Sleep Disorders
want better sleep

Santa Cruz and Scotts Valley CA How you breathe matters, especially when you sleep. If you often breathe through your mouth, your body absorbs a lower quantity of oxygen. You also face several health risks as a consequence of mouth breathing, including obstructive sleep apnea. Luckily, dentists with specialized training can treat this mouth breathing. […]

Why Snoring is no Laughing Matter

Categories: Sleep Disorders
snoring is no laughing matter

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA It’s easy to poke fun at people for their loud, obnoxious snoring — after all, we don’t call it “sawing logs” for nothing. But snoring is actually no laughing matter. In fact, it’s oftentimes an indication of something very serious — something that can increase a person’s risk of developing […]