Santa Cruz and Scotts Valley CA More than 25.7% of adults in America suffer from at least one seasonal allergy. This data, which comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, means that one out of every four adults deals with allergies. In some cases, these allergies are severe enough to affect sleep patterns, […]
Sleep Disorders
Want better Sleep? Try Buteyko Breathing

Santa Cruz and Scotts Valley CA How you breathe matters, especially when you sleep. If you often breathe through your mouth, your body absorbs a lower quantity of oxygen. You also face several health risks as a consequence of mouth breathing, including obstructive sleep apnea. Luckily, dentists with specialized training can treat this mouth breathing. […]
Why Snoring is no Laughing Matter

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA It’s easy to poke fun at people for their loud, obnoxious snoring — after all, we don’t call it “sawing logs” for nothing. But snoring is actually no laughing matter. In fact, it’s oftentimes an indication of something very serious — something that can increase a person’s risk of developing […]
Is Sleep Apnea Really that Serious?

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Sleep apnea is a condition characterized by repeated pauses in breathing during sleep. The most common type of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which occurs when the muscles in the throat relax too much, causing a partial or complete airway blockage. The most common symptom is loud, persistent […]
5 Tips for a More Restful Sleep

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA It seems that the more we want to rest, the harder time we have getting it. But sleep — no different than drinking water and eating a balanced diet — is an important part of our overall health and well-being. Let’s look today with our sleep apnea dentist in Santa […]
How Sleep Apnea Affects your Health

SANTA CRUZ, SCOTTS VALLEY CA Life expectancy in the United States is not what it was prior to the coronavirus pandemic, but it is back on the upswing: at 77.5 years, according to the latest statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Genetics is a factor in your lifespan but so is taking […]
A Comprehensive Guide to Sleep Apnea

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common form of sleep apnea, a sleep-breathing disorder characterized by loud snoring and choking noises due to frequent — and usually quite lengthy — pauses in breathing. The pauses in breathing disrupt a person’s sleep cycle, and the lack of oxygen to the body […]
What are the Dangers of Untreated Sleep Apnea?

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA The quality of your sleep is just as important to your health and well-being as exercise and a well-balanced diet. Scientists have linked undiagnosed sleep apnea to an increased risk of serious health issues like cardiovascular disease, hypertension and stroke. It can also be deadly if someone, exhausted from a […]
Find out how Untreated Sleep Apnea could Lead to an Early Death

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Sleep apnea is a common yet potentially life-threatening condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by pauses in breathing or shallow breaths during sleep, leading to a decrease in oxygen levels and disrupted sleep patterns. Despite its prevalence, sleep apnea often goes undiagnosed and untreated, posing significant […]
6 Ways to get Better Sleep this Spring

SANTA CRUZ, SCOTTS VALLEY CA Nearly 70 million Americans suffer from sleep deficiency, according to the National Institutes of Health. Whether you have a difficult time staying asleep or still feel tired when you wake up, there are many causes to chronic daytime fatigue. Unfortunately, ignoring sleep loss may increase your risk of chronic conditions […]