Get Rid of your Headaches this Summer by Visiting the Dentist

Categories: TMJ/TMD

Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz, CA Summer is one of the most beautiful seasons of the year as it’s the time of rebirth. However, for some, it’s a period full of chronic headaches that are extremely distressing. Not only do they interfere with your daily tasks, but they can drain your pockets by purchasing over-the-counter […]

Desperate for Chronic Headache Relief? Don’t Miss this Advice!

Categories: TMJ/TMD
headache relief

SANTA CRUZ, SCOTTS VALLEY CA Chronic headaches can be a nightmare, affecting every aspect of your life from your ability to sleep at night or function daily, and significantly impacts your energy and mood. Unfortunately, over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers only do so much at relieving the pain and aren’t much good at treating the frequency […]

How TMJ Disorder Could be Causing your Chronic Pain

Categories: TMJ/TMD
chronic pain

SANTA CRUZ, SCOTTS VALLEY CA The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 20.9% of adults in the United States live with chronic pain; that’s more than one out of every five Americans. If you are one of the people who suffer with chronic pain, we know how important it is to find relief. […]

5 Surprising Facts about TMJ Disorder

Categories: TMJ/TMD
TMD TMJ disorder

SANTA CRUZ, SCOTTS VALLEY CA Do you know where your temporomandibular joint is? This small round joint connects the jaw to the skull on both sides. You probably never think about your temporomandibular joint unless you develop a problem with it. Temporomandibular joint disorder (also referred to as TMJ disorder or TMD) occurs when the […]

The Secret Cause of Migraine Headaches

Categories: TMJ/TMD

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Migraines affect millions of people a year, and unfortunately, they can seem nearly impossible to treat. Medications might manage migraine symptoms, but do nothing to affect how often migraine headaches reoccur. Unfortunately, putting a Band-Aid over the problem by taking medication is not the best approach, especially when migraines are […]

How to Treat Chronic Headaches Without Medicine

Categories: TMJ/TMD
treat headache without medicine

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ, CA Just about everyone experiences headaches from time to time. The occasional headache usually is nothing serious. Headaches can often be caused by dehydration, stress or lack of sleep. In these instances, you can probably handle your pain with some combination of over-the-counter medications, rest and drinking water. However, what if […]

Why do I get Headaches when Playing Video Games?

Categories: TMJ/TMD
headache playing video games

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Video gaming is a multi-billion-dollar industry. Playing video games is common among social gatherings, and can be played online or solo. You may find pleasure in gaming during your spare time. But do you ever experience headaches while playing video games? If so, you shouldn’t ignore it. Today on the […]

What Causes Jaw Pain in the Morning?

Categories: TMJ/TMD
jaw pain

SANTA CRUZ, SCOTTS VALLEY CA You probably already know that sleeping in an awkward posture might leave you with a stiff back or neck when you wake up. But did you know that it’s also possible to wake up with a painful jaw? If you are suffering from painful sensations in your jaw, neck, head, […]

What’s the Big Deal if I Ignore my TMJ Symptoms

Categories: TMJ/TMD
find right dentist

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ CA Although TMJ disease originates in the jaw, it affects more than only the temporomandibular joints. Regrettably, the longer you wait to get TMJ discomfort treated, the more probable you may experience major side effects. Treating TMJ requires detailed knowledge of its origins and the development of a tailored treatment strategy […]

Is there a Natural Solution to Treating Headaches?

Categories: TMJ/TMD
natural headache relief

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ CA Starting your day with a headache can have you reaching for relief in your medicine cabinet as soon as your feet hit the floor. However, when you experience daily headaches, it can seem impossible to focus and get through the day, especially when over-the-counter remedies fail to work. In most […]