4 Advantages to Cosmetic Dentistry

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry
advantages of cosmetic dentistry

SANTA CRUZ, SCOTTS VALLEY CA It’s rare that a perfect-looking smile occurs naturally. Instead, cosmetic dentistry makes it possible to achieve the smile you always wanted. While many dental practices offer cosmetic procedures, a true cosmetic dentist has studied the principles and techniques of cosmetic dentistry as a specialization following the completion of dental school. […]

Tips to make your Smile Sparkle

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry
sparkling smile

SANTA CRUZ, SCOTTS VALLEY CA Our smiles are windows into our souls. Something as simple as a bright smile of straight, pearly white teeth can make a person feel and appear more confident from the inside out. Our family dentist in Santa Cruz loves seeing your smiling faces every six months for routine checkups and […]

The Top 4 Challenges in Cosmetic Dentistry

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry
challenges in cosmetic dentistry

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA You turn on the TV or browse online and see celebrity after celebrity with a mouth full of perfect-looking, dazzlingly white teeth. Guess what? It’s almost impossible for someone to naturally have such a great-looking smile. Those celebrities used cosmetic dentistry to get the smile they wanted, and so can […]

Tips to Help you Adjust to your New Dentures

Categories: Dentures
adjust dentures

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Dentures and partials are a popular replacement option for missing and decayed teeth, usually among our elderly population. Dentures help with self-confidence and offer an improved smile. They also improve a patient’s nutrition because they restore the ability to eat a wide variety of foods with different textures. At the […]

Signs that you Might Need a Dental Crown

Categories: Dental Crowns
dental crown needed

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Once upon a time, when a patient had a problem with a tooth beyond what could be addressed with a simple filling, dentists may have decided to extract the tooth and be done with it. This often led to other dental issues often caused by a missing tooth. Thankfully, times […]

What to Expect from the Dental Implant Process

Categories: Dental Implants
implant process

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Have you lost one of your permanent teeth? If so, that gap in your smile probably makes you more self-conscious about showing it off. Moreover, living with a missing tooth compromises your chewing ability. If you are looking to replace a lost tooth in Scotts Valley, then there’s no option […]

4 Benefits to Same Day Implants

Categories: Dental Implants
same day implants

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA It’s estimated that 40 million Americans have lost all, or most, of their permanent teeth. Are you one of them? Living with significant tooth loss impacts your nutrition, your chewing ability, makes you look older than you are and has a huge impact on your self-esteem. When it comes to […]

Could you have Sleep Apnea?

Categories: Sleep Disorders
could i have sleep apnea

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Sleep apnea can have one (or more) of many warning signs, but perhaps you aren’t familiar with them. Today, our airway dentist in Santa Cruz wants to focus on some of the symptoms of sleep apnea, which is a dangerous sleeping condition that is preventable but, if left untreated, will […]

Are Migraines Related to Dental Health?

Categories: Oral Health
migraines and dental health

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA If you suffer from chronic headaches or migraines, you may be surprised to know that the problem could be rooted in your mouth or jaw. Today our Santa Cruz family dentist is taking a look at some of the potential dental culprits that could be behind your migraines. The good […]

3 Most Popular Benefits of a Smile Makeover

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry
smile makeover benefits

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Through the use of one or more dental procedures, our cosmetic dentist in Santa Cruz can completely transform your smile and the confidence you have in yourself and your appearance. Increasing your self-confidence can help you feel more comfortable in your skin, and it can lead to positive changes in […]