Chronic headaches, facial pain, ringing in the ears, neck and shoulder pain, tingling fingertips, headaches, jaw pain, and popping and clicking in the temporomandibular (TM) joints are just a few of the many symptoms that can affect patients suffering from temporomandibular joint disorder—also known as TMD or TMJ disorder.
Dr. Max Ebrahimian and Dr. Ariana Ebrahimian have made neuromuscular dentistry an integral part of their practice in order to help patients overcome these painful conditions and provide them with a healthy, harmonious bite (occlusion).
How We Can Treat TMJ Disorder and its Effects
The neuromuscular dentist understands that the teeth, joints, and muscles are part of an integrated system and seeks to restore that system to proper function and balance. A neuromuscular dentist has completed rigorous post-graduate training and education in this field.
Both of our dentists in Scotts Valley have studied neuromuscular dentistry at the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies, which is the preeminent institute in America for postgraduate dental education. If Dr. Max and Dr. Ariana determine that a poor bite is causing your facial pain or other symptoms, they will develop a treatment plan based on your individual needs.
Treatment Options
Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry offers a number of solutions to help stabilize your bite and allow your jaw muscles and joints to remain in their most comfortable positions.
These include:
- Orthotic Therapy— Custom-fabricated orthotics correct the relationship between the upper and lower jaws, allowing muscles, joints, and nerves to function optimally. These appliances can be either fixed or removable, depending on your individual needs.
- Bite Adjustments—Also known as “coronoplasty.” Establishing neuromuscular balance may be as easy as recontouring the natural surfaces of your teeth.
- Neuromuscular Functional Orthodontics (NMFO®)— Unlike traditional orthodontics, NMFO® straightens the teeth into a functional bite by incorporating the use of a neuromuscular orthotic.
- Cosmetic and Restorative Procedures— Replacing missing teeth and the placement of crowns or veneers may be an option to provide you with a healthy, comfortable, and functional smile.
- Full Mouth Rejuvenation— Once the neuromuscular bite is confirmed, Dr. Max and Dr. Ariana are able to take you from problem bite to perfect bite in as few as two visits with porcelain crowns and veneers.
- Co-Management of Oral Surgery Cases— If you require surgical correction, you’ll feel confident knowing that Dr. Max and Dr. Ariana will refer you to some of the best oral surgeons in the country. This team approach allows for efficient care and optimum results.
Drs. Ebrahimian will carefully evaluate your health and the causes behind your symptoms before recommending a treatment option.
Leading Edge Technology
All of these neuromuscular solutions rely on the power of technology.
Some of the instrumentation Dr. Max and Dr. Ariana use to establish and verify a proper bite relationship are:
- K7— A sophisticated computer program capable of tracking jaw movements, joint sounds, and function. It can identify your ideal neuromuscular bite with pinpoint accuracy.
- TENS unit— Stands for Transcutaneous Electro-Neural Stimulation, which helps relax the muscles, so an accurate bite record can be taken at an ultra-low frequency.
- Ionophoresis— A safe approach to pain management utilizing transdermal medicament application.
This technology helps us offer effective treatment outcomes to the patients of Los Gatos, Santa Cruz, and Scotts Valley in California.
TMJ Relief in Scotts Valley
You don’t have to live with the pain of TMJ disorder any longer. At Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry, we are proud to be in the top 3% of dentists nationwide that employs the latest advancements in dentistry so that we can provide the best treatment outcomes for our patients. Schedule your consultation by calling our office today at (831) 438-4411.