SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ CA Getting a tooth pulled, no matter the reason, is generally not an enjoyable experience. Whether you suffer from gum disease, had an accident, or split a tooth, losing a tooth can reduce your confidence and impact your oral and overall health. There are consequences if you choose to ignore the […]
Author: Ariana Ebrahimian
What Facial Asymmetry has to do with Overall Health and Wellness

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ CA Upper airways resistance syndrome, improper tongue rest posture, and snoring are obstacles to proper breathing, as well as facial asymmetry. The result is disruptions in your normal sleep cycle, which increases your risk of health complications, an uneven bite, and sometimes TMJ disorder. Your upper jaw development, or maxillary growth, is […]
3 Causes of Dental Pain and what to do About It

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ CA Dental pain, no matter where in your mouth or jaw it resides, can inhibit your ability to focus and concentrate on daily activities. When you suffer from occasional pain, it could seem like a less critical situation. However, if you have continuous or debilitating pain in your mouth or jaw, […]
What to do if you think that you have Sleep Apnea

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ CA If you snore, you might be worried that you have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). That’s because snoring is the hallmark symptom of this common sleep-breathing disorder affecting millions of Americans. And, if you’ve been told that you snore, then you may start wondering if OSA is the cause. Today on […]
Why Doing this One Thing could be Making you Susceptible to Cavities

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ CA Finding out you have a cavity when visiting the dentist can be disheartening, especially when you are diligent in your oral health care regimen. Trying to figure out how you got the cavity even though you brush your teeth twice daily, floss your teeth once a day, and regularly visit […]
How long should my Dental Implant Last?

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ CA If you’re missing teeth, then the problem you’re facing goes beyond a simple cosmetic issue. If you are living with lost teeth, the visual gap in your smile may be the most obvious sign of the problem. In the long run, however, it could be the least of your worries. […]
Why does my Tooth keep Hurting?

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ CA Pain is the way your body communicates that something isn’t right. When it comes to oral pain, the situation is no different. However, the severity of the pain can help determine the underlying cause and the treatments needed to repair the damage. The cause of a hurting tooth can vary […]
Why you’re so Forgetful, and how Scotts Valley Dentists Can Help

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ CA Forgetting things can be stressful and lead to a challenging day. You may have sticky notes placed everywhere, but sometimes you still forget essential things like an item on your grocery list, an important meeting, or a doctor’s appointment. When remembering things becomes challenging, it is often chalked up to […]
The Celebrity Secret to a Perfect Smile

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ CA Celebrities are not immune to common oral health complications. Even though it is rare to see someone famous with gapped, cracked, or crooked teeth, they too suffer from dental imperfections. Just like a celebrity, you can use a special treatment to perfect your smile. Your leading cosmetic dentists in Scotts […]
3 Things you should know about Crooked Teeth

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ CA Cooked teeth can cause you to be cautious about how you speak or smile. Sometimes, you may cover your mouth with your hand when talking or laughing out loud to avoid being embarrassed. Whether your teeth have been crooked since childhood, or shifted during adulthood, crooked teeth could cause you […]