Could Sleep Apnea be a Side Effect of your Medication?

Categories: Sleep Disorders

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Obstructive sleep apnea is a severe sleep breathing disorder that can affect individuals of any age, gender or body type. Certain factors can raise or lower your risk of sleep apnea, such as weight and whether or not you drink alcohol, but did you know that what medication you take […]

Cross Off Something from your Dental Wish List

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA We would like to begin this latest blog entry by asking a couple of questions. When was the last time you did something for yourself? Are you happy with the appearance of your smile? Cosmetic dentistry makes it possible to transform the way your smile looks, while also representing an […]

Treating your TMJ Disorder can be Life-Changing

Categories: TMJ/TMD
treat tmj

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Nothing can impact your life like living with chronic pain. It can negatively affect your ability to work and go about your daily routine. Pain can hinder your relationships with friends, family and coworkers.  and even hinder your ability to rest. Temporomandibular disorder has symptoms that can vary widely from […]

Why Sleeping more isn’t the Answer for Sleep Apnea

Categories: Sleep Disorders
sleeping more

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Sleep apnea is a sleep-breathing disorder in which the sufferer wakes up throughout the night even though they are usually unaware of these events. This disorder is characterized by pauses in breathing in which the brain wakes up, disrupting the deep stage of the sleep cycle, to signal the body […]

Is Jaw Pain Always a Sign of TMJ Disorder?

Categories: TMJ/TMD
jaw pain

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA At some point in your life, you probably will encounter jaw pain. If your jaw is hurting regularly or the pain becomes severe enough to impede your ability to function, then you could be suffering from temporomandibular joint disorder—or TMJ disorder, for short. Today on the blog, your neuromuscular dentist […]

How Nicotine Affects the Oral Microbiome

Categories: General Dentistry

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA We all know that smoking is bad for your health but did you know it also can devastate your teeth? Smoking can deteriorate the oral microbiome and, with it, cause severe tooth decay and the proliferation of toxins in your mouth. We explore this topic in greater detail, today on […]

Get Relief for your Sleep Apnea and Snoring

Categories: Sleep Disorders
snoring relief

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA The American Medical Association estimates that approximately 90 million Americans snore at times, including 37 million American adults who snore on a regular basis. Are you one of them? Loud, regular snoring is considered one of the major warning signs that someone suffers from a sleep breathing disorder called obstructive […]

What is Causing my Bad Breath?

Categories: General Dentistry
bad breath cause

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA There’s a reason people joke about not eating a meal that’s heavy with onions or garlic on a first date. After you digest foods such as these, or even strong beverages like coffee, they enter your bloodstream and are expelled from the lungs, causing bad breath. But that is usually […]

Want better Sleep? Try Buteyko Breathing

Categories: Sleep Disorders
want better sleep

Santa Cruz and Scotts Valley CA How you breathe matters, especially when you sleep. If you often breathe through your mouth, your body absorbs a lower quantity of oxygen. You also face several health risks as a consequence of mouth breathing, including obstructive sleep apnea. Luckily, dentists with specialized training can treat this mouth breathing. […]