5 Ways your Sleep Quality and Overall Health are Suffering

Categories: Sleep Disorders
sleep quality

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ CA Not getting enough sleep can cause a plethora of health concerns. The American Sleep Association states that ten percent of adults and 15 percent of children suffer from bruxism. This medical condition causes jaw clenching and teeth grinding while you sleep. Although the situation may seem harmless, there are several […]

Get Rid of your Migraines at Scotts Valley Dental Office

Categories: Sleep Disorders
get rid of migraines

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ CA Living with chronic headaches can quickly spoil your day. You may try various remedies such as drinking more water, taking vitamins, using over-the-counter medications, meditation, exercise, or avoid caffeine in search of relief. Unfortunately, those remedies may not ease your head pain. Your chronic migraines may be caused by a […]

Is Sleep Apnea Silently Sabotaging your Health?

Categories: Sleep Disorders

Santa Cruz & Scotts Valley, CA Are you one of the millions of Americans suffering from obstructive sleep apnea? If so, more than your sleep is at risk. Sleep apnea also works as a silent saboteur, deteriorating your physical and mental health as time passes. Let’s take a deeper look at how sleep apnea can affect your well-being. […]

8 Signs that you may Suffer from Sleep Apnea

Categories: Sleep Disorders

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Perhaps you’ve heard of sleep apnea, but you don’t entirely know what obstructive sleep apnea is. Otherwise known as OSA, this condition causes a person to stop breathing during the night. When sleep apnea occurs, the soft tissues in your throat restrict or block your airway. It often results in […]

Driving Drowsy is as Dangerous as Drunk Driving

Categories: Sleep Disorders

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Driving a vehicle doesn’t come without its own set of risks. But, those risks are higher when a driver speeds, drives under the influence of alcohol, or drives while sleepy. In 2015, nearly 5,000 people died in vehicular crashes caused by tired or drowsy drivers, according to the Governors Highway […]

Why you’re Forgetting Everything and what to do about it

Categories: Sleep Disorders

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA You forgot to sign your kid’s homework. You forgot about that important work deadline. Nowadays, it seems like you are forgetting everything. If this sounds familiar to you, don’t just assume you are forgetful because you have too much on your plate. Instead, a lack of quality sleep could be […]

Why you’re forgetting everything and what to do about it

Categories: Sleep Disorders

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA You forgot to sign your kid’s homework. You forgot about that important work deadline. Nowadays, it seems like you are forgetting everything. If this sounds familiar to you, don’t just assume you are forgetful because you have too much on your plate. Instead, a lack of quality sleep could be […]

Oral Appliance Therapy helps Sleep Apnea Patients find Relief

Categories: Sleep Disorders

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Have you been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea? If so, you may think your only option for treatment is to start using a CPAP machine. Actually, this is not the case. Sleep apnea dentists in Santa Cruz at Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry can treat sleep apnea through oral appliance therapy instead […]

Why CPAP Treatment for Sleep Apnea may not Work

Categories: Sleep Disorders

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA A CPAP machine remains the go-to method of treatment for patients suffering from sleep apnea, but it’s not the only way to treat this sleep breathing disorder. For many people, it’s not even the right way. Despite its widespread use, CPAP treatment is not for everyone. Your sleep apnea dentists […]

Difference between Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome and Sleep Apnea

Categories: Sleep Disorders

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Obstructive sleep apnea is a serious and well-known sleep breathing disorder that is estimated to affect more than 20 million Americans, with many of those cases going undiagnosed and untreated. Another, lesser prominent sleep breathing disorder is upper airway resistance syndrome (or UARS, for short). Though less serious than sleep […]