Root Canals aren’t as Scary as you Think

Categories: General Dentistry

root canals aren't scarySanta Cruz, Scotts Valley CA

New to root canals and you’ve heard the horror stories? If you have a pending root canal procedure, we can feel your angst from here, and we get it. That’s why we’re sharing this blog today — to help put your mind at ease. Let’s look today at all things root canals and dispel some of the myths surrounding them.

What’s a root canal?

A root canal is a procedure our Scotts Valley family dentist may recommend for a tooth that is infected or damaged down to the tooth’s root, beyond the ability of a filling to repair. During the procedure, our dentist removes the infected or damaged pulp from inside the tooth, cleans and disinfects the area and then fills and seals it to prevent further infection. Root canals help save a tooth from having to be extracted, and they alleviate pain or discomfort caused by infection. Root canals go a bit deeper than a filling; otherwise, they’re similar procedures. Not too scary, right?

We’ll make sure you’re comfortable

If you need a root canal, you’ve likely been in quite a bit of pain for a while, and the last thing you want to consider is feeling pain to repair it. We have good news: Our root canal dentist in Santa Cruz will make sure you’re completely numb with a local anesthetic during the procedure. This will alleviate any pain you’re feeling from the infected tooth, and it will ensure you’re comfortable during the procedure to restore your tooth. At most, you will feel a bit of pressure during the procedure. If you’re super-anxious about any aspect of the procedure, be sure to speak with our dentist about other options, including sedation.

It won’t take long

A root canal on a single tooth shouldn’t take much longer than a general filling. For a single tooth, treatment will be similar in length to a standard filling — one to two hours a tooth. More straightforward cases may take less time, while more complex cases can require longer sessions or multiple visits to our Scotts Valley root canal dentist.

Let’s face it …

The dental world has come a long way in the past couple decades. Most of the horror stories you may have heard about root canals likely came from a time before we started enjoying tremendous advances in dental technology and techniques.

We now have:

  • Better drills
  • More and better anesthesia
  • Digital x-rays
  • 3D imaging
  • Microscopic cameras
  • Laser technology
  • Less time in the chair
  • Better dental bedside manners


The worst pain you’ll feel related to a root canal is what you feel before the procedure when the decay and infection can be almost crippling. The techniques and technology we use at Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry will keep you comfortable and in and out of the dentist’s chair in a flash. If you have any questions or need to schedule an appointment, call our office at (831) 824-5111, or reach out to us online today.