CPAP vs. Oral Appliance Therapy–What’s the Difference?

Categories: Sleep Disorders
cpap vs oral appliance

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ, CA If you have obstructive sleep apnea or are seeking a diagnosis for this common sleep-breathing disorder, you might already be aware that a CPAP or continuous positive airway pressure machine is often prescribed as treatment. The problem is that many sleep apnea patients that use a CPAP eventually discontinue its […]

Do you need Braces? Here are Key Signs that you Do

Categories: Orthodontics
do i need braces

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ, CA Maybe you had braces as a teen and experienced and your teeth are now crooked again an adult. Perhaps you needed braces as a teen but weren’t able to get them, for whatever reason. No matter the specifics of your situation, if you’re an adult who needs braces, you’re not […]

Is Tongue Thrust a sign of Autism?

Categories: General Dentistry
tongue thrust and autism

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ, CA According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about one in every 54 children has been identified with a disorder somewhere on the autism spectrum. The number of cases of Autism continues to grow, with the number of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) now surpassing all […]

What Hormone Changes have to do with your Gums

Categories: Gum Disease
hormones and gums

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ, CA Your gum health is affected by your diet, oral hygiene habits, and hormonal changes. Understanding your oral health condition and how it relates to hormone changes can help reduce your gingivitis risk, gum disease’s earliest stage. Scott Valley’s oral health experts at Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry share how hormone fluctuations relate […]

Are Dental Implants for anyone needing Tooth Replacement?

Categories: Dental Implants
are dental implants for everyone

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ, CA Do you have at least one missing tooth? If so, you may have thought about how to replace that tooth and restore your smile. Currently, a dental implant represents the best treatment option to replace a missing tooth. An implant looks and feels more like a real tooth than any […]

What are Good Reasons to get Dental Implants?

Categories: Dental Implants
reasons to get dental implants

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ, CA An imperfect smile can cause painful emotions. But, if you suffer from tooth loss due to an injury, gum disease, or tooth decay, you could restore your smile with dental implants. As a permanent solution that is most like a natural tooth, dental implants are one of the best solutions […]

How Slimming your Waistline could Improve your Oral Health

Categories: Oral Health
slimming waistline improves oral health

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ, CA Achieving a healthy weight is the goal of many individuals. However, it is certainly a goal that is difficult to attain without discipline, eating right, and exercising daily. There are many benefits to shedding excess pounds, including lowering your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Plus, living a […]

How to get Rid of Headaches without Medication

Categories: TMJ/TMD
get rid of headaches

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ, CA Occasional headaches may be due to stress, allergies, or dehydration, easily remedied with rest, rehydration, and over-the-counter medications. But, people who live with frequent and debilitating pain often seek additional remedies that reach beyond over-the-counter or prescribed drugs. Our expert dentists that offer temporomandibular joint disorder treatment in Scotts Valley […]

4 Unsuspecting Signs of Sleep Apnea

Categories: Sleep Disorders
signs of sleep apnea

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ, CA Sleep apnea is a common airway disorder affecting millions of people in the U.S. Its most common symptoms are loud snoring or gasping for air, as well as daytime fatigue that never improves no matter how much sleep you seem to get. However, did you know that sleep apnea has […]