3 Back-to-School Oral Hygiene Hacks

Categories: Oral Health

back to school oral hygieneSCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ, CA

Store shelves are filling with school supplies, a reminder that summer break is winding down. Returning to school can be a bit chaotic as parents hurry to purchase clothes and supplies needed for their child’s return. So sometimes, their child’s oral health is not a priority. To help you keep your child’s oral health on track, our Scotts Valley family dentists share three back-to-school oral hygiene hacks.

Don’t Rush When Brushing

School day mornings are often busy as kids rush to get ready. They might be tempted to give their teeth a quick scrub or not brush at all. However, it’s essential that your child take their time and avoid rushing when brushing their teeth. Not only will brushing promote better-smelling breath in the morning, but it also helps them maintain pearly white teeth. Please encourage your child to brush their teeth for two minutes for an effective clean.

Send a Water Bottle to School

Your child is at school for most of the day, and they’ll either participate in recess or physical education and could end up dehydrated if they don’t drink enough fluids. While they may be tempted to get a beverage from a vending machine or grab a sweetened drink from the cafeteria during lunch, your child could benefit from having a water bottle to refill while at school. While drinking fountains remain closed due to COVID concerns, most schools have a water bottle fill-up station that your child can use throughout the day. Water helps rinse away oral bacteria and food bits, lessening your child’s risk of cavities. Additionally, water is the best way for your child to remain hydrated.

Pack Healthy Snacks

Most school-worthy snacks on the market consist of chips, crackers, cookies, or other processed foods. While these foods are convenient, they aren’t healthy for your child or their teeth. Instead, pack healthy snacks like fresh fruit and crisp veggies. Apple or orange slices are ideal choices, as are carrot and celery sticks. For an added protein boost and to help keep your child fuller longer, pair these snacks with low-fat cheese, nut butter, or raw nuts. If your child has a nut allergy or their school prohibits nuts, hummus is an excellent protein alternative to use as a dip for veggies. Chocolate hummus is also praised as a yummy dip for fresh fruit!

Family Dentists in Scotts Valley, Santa Cruz, and Los Gatos

Getting ready to head back to school is an exciting time, although it can be daunting for some families. Remember to keep your child’s oral hygiene a priority, no matter how busy life gets. You could also pack a toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss in your child’s backpack to use while at school. These tips can help your child have better oral health and lessen the chance of missing school for emergency dental treatments. Additionally, your child should receive two checkups and cleanings a year. Before school starts, contact Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry to schedule your child’s next dental appointment. You can reach our office by calling (831) 438-4411.