What’s the Big Deal if I Ignore my TMJ Symptoms

Categories: TMJ/TMD

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Although TMJ disease originates in the jaw, it affects more than only the temporomandibular joints. Regrettably, the longer you wait to get TMJ discomfort treated, the more probable you may experience major side effects. Treating TMJ requires detailed knowledge of its origins and the development of a tailored treatment strategy that targets the underlying causes of your symptoms. Our Scotts Valley TMJ dentists at Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry are renowned authorities in diagnosing and treating TMJ conditions. So, today on the blog, we share why it’s a big deal if you ignore your TMJ symptoms and how you can find relief.

Chronic Jaw Pain and Joint Damage

When TMJ symptoms initially appear, you can have sporadic jaw discomfort that gets worse under stress, while chewing gum, or when you yawn and open your mouth too widely. Our Los Gatos dentists who treat TMJ explain that as the temporomandibular joint sustains more harm over time, it develops chronic pain as well as other unwelcome symptoms, including jaw locking, popping, and cracking. Pain in your face, neck, and shoulders might result from discomfort and inflammation, which can go beyond your joints. If the bones in your joints have degenerated to the point that they no longer function, you may require surgery to treat your pain. To prevent long-term joint damage or jaw dislocation, it’s crucial to treat TMJ discomfort proactively.


Common signs of TMJ disorders include tension headaches and migraines. Our TMJ dentists in Santa Cruz state that headaches are among the most prevalent signs of a TMJ problem. These headaches, which may be debilitating and chronic because they are brought on by constant joint inflammation, recur as soon as the painkillers or muscle relaxants you take stop working since the underlying reason is never treated. You may miss work, school, and even significant life events because of chronic headaches and TMJ symptoms.

Compromised Oral Health

Untreated TMD is associated with jaw clenching and teeth grinding, which wear down your tooth enamel over time and put your teeth at risk of breaking. Chipped, cracked, or broken teeth are prime locations for bacteria to hide and cause extensive tooth enamel damage. Therefore, our Scotts Valley dentists who treat TMJ patients recommend regular checkups and cleanings to monitor your oral health and catch problems early. Additionally, because one jaw side is frequently favored over the other, TMJ dysfunction may also cause uneven muscle development, uneven facial swelling, and abnormal tooth wear that might influence your facial appearance.

Hearing Issues

Due to the proximity of the temporomandibular joints to the ear canals, patients frequently complain of TMD symptoms in their ears. Our Los Gatos TMJ specialists warn that untreated TMJ can result in tinnitus or ear ringing, which can interfere with sleep and concentration, as well as cause feelings of congestion or stuffiness in the ear canals. Since the inner ears are where the body senses balance, muscular inflammation brought on by TMD can disrupt balance and result in dizziness, vertigo, and unsteadiness.

Other Symptoms

Our Santa Cruz dentists that offer TMJ treatments explain that TMD may have devastating effects on your entire body because of the strain and agony it causes. Patients with untreated, persistent TMJ dysfunction may realize that their heads are skewed to the side when they look in the mirror or pictures of themselves, that one shoulder is lower than the other, or that their hands and fingers are numb or tingly.

TMJ Treatment in Los Gatos, Santa Cruz, and Scotts Valley, California

Living with TMJ dysfunction in its early stages is typically not a disruption to your day. However, if you avoid recognizing and acting on TMJ symptoms to seek treatment, matters will only continue to get worse. Without proper treatment from a qualified TMJ dentist in Scotts Valley, you could experience excruciating pain and severe oral damage that can be costly to repair. At Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry, we encourage you to schedule a consultation if you think you may have TMJ symptoms. Our dentists will conduct a physical examination and provide treatment options specifically suited to your condition. Please call our office at (831) 438-4411 or contact us online to request an appointment today.