Pediatric Sleep Apnea–What Every Parent Needs to Know

Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz, CA Sleep apnea has become an epidemic among not only adults but children too. Used to, sleep apnea was associated with middle-aged men that were overweight. But, even children as young as two years of age can develop this sleep breathing disorder. Sleep apnea – the silent killer The surprising […]

Ankyloglossia Study

Categories: News

Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz, CA The tongue’s mobility or lack thereof has a significant impact on the growth and development of the soft and hard tissues in the mouth, nasal passages, and airways. Most commonly, the tongue is restricted due to a tongue-tie that prevents the tip of the tongue from reaching the upper […]

Myofunctional Therapy Study

Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz, CA For patients suffering from obstructive sleep apnea, there are several treatment options available today. The CPAP machine has been the standard treatment for decades, yet more people are finding relief through a custom oral appliance that requires no electricity and is completely silent, unlike a noisy CPAP machine. However, […]

Sleep Apnea and your Sexual Health

Categories: Sleep Disorders

Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz, CA The consequences of sleep apnea do not just include a lack of rest. In fact, did you know that men with sleep apnea also are at an increased risk of erectile dysfunction? The findings of a recent study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine found a link between […]

What to do After a Tongue Tie Release

Categories: Tongue Tie

Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz, CA If you are an adult that is considering a tongue-tie release or just underwent the procedure, what is your “game plan?” Releasing a tongue-tie by way of a frenectomy should be considered in most cases where a tongue-tie is present, but what about after the procedure is complete? Simply […]

Why Pulling Teeth Not Always Best

Categories: Orthodontics

Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz, CA Crooked teeth affect more than just your smile. They also can lead to malocclusion, also known as misaligned bite. There are several ways to correct these bite misalignment problems, but one of the traditional methods actually can do more harm than good over the long term. One of the […]

Teething Babies Need Oral Hygiene

Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz, CA Teething is a challenging time in life both for the child and the parents. A baby who is teething is prone to irritability, fussiness, insomnia or decreased appetite. A low-grade fever also is common. No two children are alike when it comes to teething. Typically, baby teeth begin to […]