Want better Sleep? Try Buteyko Breathing

Categories: Sleep Disorders
want better sleep

Santa Cruz and Scotts Valley CA How you breathe matters, especially when you sleep. If you often breathe through your mouth, your body absorbs a lower quantity of oxygen. You also face several health risks as a consequence of mouth breathing, including obstructive sleep apnea. Luckily, dentists with specialized training can treat this mouth breathing. […]

Why Snoring is no Laughing Matter

Categories: Sleep Disorders
snoring is no laughing matter

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA It’s easy to poke fun at people for their loud, obnoxious snoring — after all, we don’t call it “sawing logs” for nothing. But snoring is actually no laughing matter. In fact, it’s oftentimes an indication of something very serious — something that can increase a person’s risk of developing […]

Root Canals aren’t as Scary as you Think

Categories: General Dentistry
root canals aren't scary

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA New to root canals and you’ve heard the horror stories? If you have a pending root canal procedure, we can feel your angst from here, and we get it. That’s why we’re sharing this blog today — to help put your mind at ease. Let’s look today at all things […]

Is Sleep Apnea Really that Serious?

Categories: Sleep Disorders
is sleep apnea that serious

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Sleep apnea is a condition characterized by repeated pauses in breathing during sleep. The most common type of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which occurs when the muscles in the throat relax too much, causing a partial or complete airway blockage. The most common symptom is loud, persistent […]

How to Keep your Smile Youthful as you Age

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry
youthful smile

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Even with the best oral hygiene practices, our teeth, with age, can become dingy, which can negatively affect our self-esteem. Our family dentist in Santa Cruz is sharing today some tried-and-true tips to keep your smile looking radiant and youthful at any age. Read on for more! Prioritize oral hygiene […]

Can a Tongue-Tie be Treated at any Age?

Categories: Tongue Tie
tongue tie at any age

Santa Cruz and Scotts Valley CA Tongue-tied – it’s a common phrase used to describe such moments when words escape us, either due to excitement or distraction. In its more serious connotation, being tongue-tied is more than just an expression that’s commonly used to refer to people who have trouble speaking clearly. This health condition […]

Get Rid of your Headaches this Summer by Visiting the Dentist

Categories: TMJ/TMD

Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz, CA Summer is one of the most beautiful seasons of the year as it’s the time of rebirth. However, for some, it’s a period full of chronic headaches that are extremely distressing. Not only do they interfere with your daily tasks, but they can drain your pockets by purchasing over-the-counter […]

5 Tips for a More Restful Sleep

Categories: Sleep Disorders
restful sleep

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA It seems that the more we want to rest, the harder time we have getting it. But sleep — no different than drinking water and eating a balanced diet — is an important part of our overall health and well-being. Let’s look today with our sleep apnea dentist in Santa […]

7 Common Facts for Invisalign Wearers

Categories: Invisalign
common invisalign facts

Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley CA Invisalign is a revolutionary way to straighten teeth comfortably, discreetly and in usually half the time it takes traditional metal braces. Clear, removable aligner trays are custom-made to apply gentle pressure to the teeth, gradually guiding them into their proper position. Our Invisalign dentist in Santa Cruz has compiled the […]