Dental Crown After-Care

Categories: General Dentistry
dental crown after care

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ CA Dental crowns are one of the most common treatments in smile restorations. Dental crowns can repair severe damage, decay, or broken teeth while providing strength and aesthetic improvements. Therefore, they are manufactured with durable materials to last years if you take care of them. Restorative dentists in Scotts Valley at […]

Say bye to Chronic Headaches with help from Scotts Valley Dentists

Categories: TMJ/TMD
chronic headache pain

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ CA Pain that is constant and radiates in your head, neck, or mouth is a sure sign that something is wrong with your body. Although several people dismiss temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) as something else, such as stress or sleeping in an awkward position, TMJ could be the underlying condition causing […]

Brighten Your Smile This Summer

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry
smiles for life

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ CA We are in a season of renewal and revitalization. All the green is back, flowers are blooming again, and birds are singing. What better time to renew your smile with whitening treatments in Scotts Valley? Today on the blog, Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry shares answers to commonly asked questions about Opalescence, […]

5 Ways your Sleep Quality and Overall Health are Suffering

Categories: Sleep Disorders
sleep quality

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ CA Not getting enough sleep can cause a plethora of health concerns. The American Sleep Association states that ten percent of adults and 15 percent of children suffer from bruxism. This medical condition causes jaw clenching and teeth grinding while you sleep. Although the situation may seem harmless, there are several […]

Get Rid of your Migraines at Scotts Valley Dental Office

Categories: Sleep Disorders
get rid of migraines

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ CA Living with chronic headaches can quickly spoil your day. You may try various remedies such as drinking more water, taking vitamins, using over-the-counter medications, meditation, exercise, or avoid caffeine in search of relief. Unfortunately, those remedies may not ease your head pain. Your chronic migraines may be caused by a […]

Is My Child’s Thumb Sucking Habit a Big Deal?

childs thumb sucking

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ CA Parents often enter dental offices with concerns about their child’s thumb-sucking or pacifier use at different ages. Although it may seem to be a harmless act, the habit could cause long-term problems with the development of the child’s teeth and mouth, resulting in additional complications. Therefore, your Scotts Valley family […]

Understanding the Benefits of Sealants

benefits of sealants

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ CA Back teeth, like molars have deep crevices that trap food and bacteria. Left in these deep crevices, those food particles become a breeding ground for bacteria that cause cavities. This often is the case for children because they tend to not brush their teeth well. Sealants are a way to […]

6 Main Causes of Sensitive Teeth and How to Deal

Categories: General Dentistry
causes of sensitive teeth

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ CA When you sip hot coffee, does it hurt your teeth? Do you avoid eating ice cream or other frozen treats because you know the cold sensation will make your teeth ache? For many people, tooth sensitivity is triggered by hot, cold, and acidic foods. Unfortunately, this sensitivity also may occur […]

3 Must-Do Dental Hygiene Practices to do before Bed

Categories: Oral Health
must do dental hygiene before bed

SCOTTS VALLEY, SANTA CRUZ CA Since you were a child, people have been telling you how important it is to brush your teeth every day. So it might surprise you to know that, according to a recent study, 23 percent of Americans replied they had gone two or more days without brushing their teeth. For […]